Efficient Dao

Bin & Wolf Capital is Venture Capital founded in Dubai . Representatives of Fund (DAO members) evaluate news projects, opportunities and potential partners. The DAO then decides on funding for the proposed projects. We focus on BlockChain, Forex and IT Start up.

Experienced Team

Bin& Wolf working together from 2007 in Software outsourcing. 2010 Bin & Wolf focus on build BOT and auto tools to take advantage in trading marketing and cut down manual and mistake by people. Whether your roadmap is bootstrapping a new project, or undertaking complex change management measures, BIN & WOLF has the resources( tools, bots) you need to fill in the gaps.

Our Propsals

We aim to provide skills, experience and automation tools to give our investors the best ROI( return of investment). We don’t take profit until our investor break -even.
BIN & WOLF brings strategic value and long-term support to our partners